General Rate Case Year 2 – January 2023
We understand that no one likes rate increases, but they are critical to keeping reliable, high quality water flowing – now and into the future. Recent headlines from around the US show that lack of investment in water infrastructure can lead to significant issues.
As approved by the California Public Utilities Commission, each General Rate Case (GRC) covers a three-year period. The current cycle covers the years 2022-2024. Year 2 (or 2023) marks the second year of the current rate case.
Year 2 of the GRC will include changes to both the quantity rate and service charges on your bill. In addition to the Year 2 changes, there is an interim surcharge along with a decreased CPUC fee. The average customer using 11 CCF will see a total bill increase of $8.79 per month or $0.29 per day, which includes the interim surcharge.
Quantity Rate Changes

Service Charges per Meter per Month (how these are calculated)
The service charge is designed to recover a portion of the company’s authorized revenue. The new rates reflect 55% revenue recovery from quantity charge and 45% revenue recovery from the service charge. In the past, the ratio was 60%/40%.

Together, the GRC Year 2 increase and Interim surcharge reflect an increase of 8.52% overall.